Biotech componentsFungus

Products 1 to 7 of 7

Farnesene by Amyris
Biotech components: Fungus
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 471,900,000 USD
Funding types: Shareholder Investment
Industry: Industrial
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Public Company
Product categories: Chemical
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: AMRS (NASDAQ)
Value chain stage: Input
Biotech components: Fungus
Business models: B2C
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA + Europe
Intended consumer: Consumer
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 9,100,000 USD
Funding types: Public Funding + Private Funding
Industry: Industrial
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Fiber
Production process: Closed Production
Source: NASEM Database
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Finished Product + Platform
Biotech components: Fungus
Business models: B2C
Country of production: N/A
Country of distribution: N/A
Intended consumer: N/A
Date added: 2018/11/19 09:36 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/11/19 09:36 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: Private Funding
Industry: Industrial + Multipurpose
Market status: Under Development
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: N/A
Production process: Open Release
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Finished Product
Orb by BIOHM
Biotech components: Fungus + Plant
Business models: B2C
Country of production: N/A
Country of distribution: N/A
Intended consumer: N/A
Date added: 2018/11/19 09:36 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/11/19 09:36 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: Private Funding
Industry: Industrial
Market status: Under Development
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: N/A
Production process: Open Release
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Finished Product
Biotech components: Fungus + Plant
Business models: B2B
Country of production: N/A
Country of distribution: N/A
Intended consumer: N/A
Date added: 2018/11/19 09:36 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/11/19 09:36 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: Private Funding
Industry: Industrial
Market status: Under Development
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Construction + Design
Production process: Open Release
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Finished Product
Biotech components: Microbe + Fungus
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA + Europe
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 179,800,000 USD
Funding types: Venture Capital
Industry: Industrial
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Fuel and Energy + Chemical
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Input
Vanillin by Evolva
Biotech components: Microbe + Fungus
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: Switzerland + USA
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 86,000,000 CHF
Funding types: Shareholder Investment
Industry: Food & Agriculture
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Public Company
Product categories: Additive
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: EVE (SWX)
Value chain stage: Input